Wednesday, March 15, 2017

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

Today was a bittersweet day. It was my last day at Deseret Industries, after working there for 19 months.

I knew it was only a temporary job, but it still grows on you, you know? Just like with college: you just get used to the people, the routine, and everything. Everybody wished me luck (and exchanged a few hugs, handshakes, and fist bumps) and my boss, Dave Hansen, was nice enough to give me a little card that everyone on my team (who was available at the time) signed.

Later tonight, after dinner, my family and I went to Baskin Robbins to celebrate. I had a giant almond cone with two kinds of chocolate ice cream; absolute indulgence. We're going to Noodles & Company for dinner on Friday.

My new job will be in the deli at WinCo Foods; a store in my area just opened for business.

Orientation is on Friday. That means I get to relax Thursday and then prepare myself for 6 to 8 hours the next day. The day of orientation is technically the first day; they even pay you to come. That's how they did it at Barnes & Noble.

After many months of searching and applying, at least a dozen interviews, and a couple of very short-lived jobs, I finally made it. This job at WinCo may not be my ultimate dream job but it'll keep me fed and keep the bills paid, plus they've got some pretty sweet benefits. The only downside is I'll have to work some Sundays; hopefully those Sundays will be few and far between.

Guess I'll just stake it out and see what happens in a year, maybe two or three.

Until then: Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work I go...

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