Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fresh Sketches

Because I need to think about something happy, and because art has always been therapeutic.

I'm amazed at how attached I've become to all these characters in just two years; by far, I've drawn them more times than I've drawn Terence, and he's been around since 2005. But these drawings serve for good practice as well as good therapy, and they trigger new ideas for the book itself as well as new "quirks" for the characters themselves.

One way or another, I ain't knockin' it!

Even so, I made a goal to dedicate this summer to some serious, serious writing, and one of my 2019 resolutions was to be more of a finisher. With luck, I'll have at least one completed manuscript (even if it still needs a ton of work) by the end of this year. Like they say, only time will tell--and time will only tell when I make the actual effort to get the whole darn thing on paper.

I think these are some of my best drawings (and ideas) yet. I can really see the refinement in my characters' designs, can you? 

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