Sunday, June 16, 2019


My grandpa just died.

My mom told me (in a tearful mess) over the phone just now. She and Christine had gone to visit him and Grandma in the nursing home today, along with my aunt and some of my uncles.

It happened just a few minutes ago.

In a way, I'm glad it's over. Grandpa had been so old and so ill and in such pain for so long. The last few months of his life were not at all pleasant. In a way, we were kind of hoping it would be over soon; the way he was living was not what you'd call a good quality of life. We prayed that he and Grandma would not have to suffer any more than necessary.

And now it's over for him.

All the same, he's my grandpa, the only grandpa I had ever known (Grandpa Mather died long before I was born), and I love him and miss him already. Even when you see death coming, it has that way of taking you by surprise.

It still hits hard that it really is over.

And for this to happen today, of all days, with him being Mom's dad and everything...

My only hope now is that he's happy, and that my dad was there to say hi and give him the biggest hug.

Love you so much, Grandpa.

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