Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Internet Issues and My Inktober #17-20

Well, the Internet decided to go completely down at my house, and so I've fallen a bit behind on my "Inktober" posts. I don't know what happened, but Mom tried to tweak it herself for a while, until she had to call in a professional.

The fix-it guy wasn't able to come in until today; he must have come while I was still asleep (day off from work) because when I woke up, the Internet was working once again. 

While it was kind of nice to have a little break, for obvious reasons, it goes to show you must never take technology for granted.

Luckily, I was still able to complete the art itself in Photoshop, so here it is. 

Starting with #17: "Thriller."

I well remember the first time I watched Michael Jackson's famous/infamous music video. Those yellow werewolf/werecat eyes definitely freaked me out, and Dad wasn't too happy with me when my little sister watched it with me and had a little freak-out of her own. 

Not that I had any real intention of showing it to her; she just happened to wander into the room while it was playing. Oopsie!

Now onto #18: "Monster Mash."

Pretty self-explanatory. Just a bunch of monsters getting together for a good time, a little homage to the most famous Halloween song out there. 

Personally, I think Wolf-Man, the bats, and Dracula and Junior turned out best. 

#19: "Dracula." 

Never liked vampires much (and don't get me started on Stephenie Meyer's sparkly dead fairies) but you can't really have Halloween without a bit of Dracula, can you? 

I wonder what it would be like if Beowulf ever crossed a vampire's path...or if a vampire ever crossed Beowulf's path. 

And #20: "Halloween Cat." 

Okay, now we're officially caught up! I always felt black cats could use a lot more love, and not just at Halloween. 

I had a black cat myself once, the one that preceded Butterscotch. We named him Boo-Boo, and though we only had him little more than a year, he was such a sweet, playful ball of black (and very slightly brownish) fluff. Dad sure liked him, and one of our friends dubbed him "Vampire Kitty." 

If I ever own a black cat again, I've already got a name reserved: Boo-Boo Two! 

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