Sunday, October 10, 2021

My Inktober 2021 #10 - Evil Reid

The prompt for today was an evil version of one of my characters, and I thought of Reid and how dangerously close he comes to "the edge." 

Poor kid goes through so much that it's really a wonder he didn't snap like a twig ages ago. He's like the slightly more G-rated version of Carrie White. 

Tyrell becomes plenty frightening in his own way, but he's rather amazed at what his little brother is capable of when pushed far enough. 

Old Beowulf is horrified as well as heartbroken. 

And Tallis and Ann, along with Romulus, Kyla, and the rest of Daire, are finally forced to see what's become of these poor boys and the part they all played in it. Were he still living, Trent would have been all but aghast. 

When at last Reid regains his senses, he's as appalled as anyone else: "What have I done? What did I almost do?"  

True, Reid's got his own responsibility to own up to, and it wasn't as though Tyrell was forced against his own will. As the saying goes, you are who you choose to be.

Then again, the ripple effect is so much greater than we think and we have a far stronger impact on each other, for good or bad, than we realize. No hero or villain can truly make it alone. 

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