Saturday, October 16, 2021

My Inktober 2021 #16 - Ghostbusters

Even if you never watched the movie or the cartoon series, no doubt you recognize this symbol (minus the Xs) and heard this theme song multiple times in your life, especially around Halloween. 
I was feeling kind of lazy (and a bit burned out creatively, not to mention physically and mentally exhausted from life in general) to do more than the iconic symbol, with the Xs replacing the dot eyes to spice it up a bit. 
I'm not much of a fan myself, but I don't appreciate how they made that obligatory "gender-swap" reboot in 2016: depicting the Ghostbusters as girls because they just had to show women saving the day. 

Now, if they had done something a bit more unique, come up with a completely different story about a pack of girls pitted against a pack of supernatural creatures, I would have been fine with that. Instead, we get a cheap carbon copy (with minor tweaks at best) that positively reeks of political correctness. 
I love strong female characters, but I can't stand female characters who come off more as "bad-A wannabes." You can always tell when the writers are trying way too hard. 
Besides, like the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. What was wrong with the 1984 movie the way it was, besides the obvious all-male cast?
Yes, I'm aware that if we don't like a movie, no one's forcing us to watch it. But I must lament the "copycat age" we live in just the same; it's like no one's got any real creativity left. 
And yes, original stuff takes time and effort (and a boatload of both) but it's not as though certain people are trying so hard anymore. 
Oh, well, rant over. Time to revisit my happy place...

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