Sunday, October 3, 2021

My Inktober 2021 #3 - Couples in Costume

I had a lot of fun with this one. Each costume is spot-on for each personality, too. 

Romulus doesn't smoke, so that's why I gave him a "bubble pipe." I can hear him say it now: "Elementary, my dear Kyla." For that matter, Kyla would easily be Romulus's equal in this kind of field, if not his superior.

Ann would make a fantastic Meg, too; she would have an absolute ball with all those snarky lines. Tallis may be a bit of a dope, but just like Hercules, his heart's usually in the right place and he's really sweet...sweet enough to where it hurts Ann to realize how much she took him for granted. "This one is different! He's honest, and he's sweet! He would never do anything to hurt me!" 

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