Friday, December 18, 2020

12 Days of Christmas (2020) - Day 6

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: six geese a-laying...

...five golden rings...

...four calling birds...

...three French hens...

...two turtle doves...

...and a partridge in a pear tree!

My fantasy version: six flying horses...

...five magic rings...

...four mountain trolls...

...three phoenixes...

...two forest fauns...

...and a unicorn as white as the snow!

Interesting fact: God created the world in six days (though a "day" to Him is quite different from a "day" to us mortals), so the geese in the song allude to those six days of creation, to the gift of brand-new life. 

And because a Pegasus is a horse with the gift of flight, able to travel to certain places that very few other creatures can reach, this alludes to freedom and the endless opportunities spread out before us. 

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