Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas, 2020

Since this was a stay-at-home Christmas this year (which, since some of us are feeling a bit under the weather, is just as well) this is what I spent most of my day working on.

The rest of the day, as you can imagine, was pretty mellow. But in a way, it was exactly what we needed: rest and relaxation. 

Life's been quite crazy lately, and not just at work, though work's sure kept me on my toes often enough. I'm grateful I have a job that puts me to good use now, I'm grateful for the Christmas holiday, the majority of my customers are perfectly lovely...but I wish more people would order in advance, rather than swing by our store at the very last minute and rely on pure luck, and then complain because we don't have an infinite supply. At least two or three people were almost desperate enough to grab the stuff that was already prepaid. 

This isn't the first time my family's felt a little unwell around the holidays, either. Probably my worst episode was in 2014, when I was bedridden for almost a week. I was in college at the time, and I didn't have to worry about homework or anything, but I hated spending almost half my winter break in bed. 

Oh, well. These things just happen, I guess, and at least we got to stay home and take it easy. At least we got a breather. 

Present-wise, I didn't have much in mind. It's getting harder and harder to decide what I want for Christmas; I'm pretty content with what I've already got. But I did have my heart set a little on a new desk so I don't have to always sit Indian-style on a bed with my laptop, and I could use a new bed, too. And, of course, I can never say no to money, new clothes, new books, or something from Bath & Body Works. 

Melissa, an old high school buddy, still gives me a calendar for the new year, and I mail her a gift card to one of her favorite restaurants in exchange. 

And while Pippin isn't technically a Christmas present, I still consider her the best present of them all. I was wary of getting another cat so soon after losing Butterscotch, but now I wouldn't trade Pippi for anything. In some ways, she's better than Butterscotch; she's a lot more playful and cuddly than he was, and she'll come to me more often when I'm sitting in a chair, something Butterscotch never did at all. 

If there's one highlight of 2020, she's the one, without a doubt. 

Well, merry Christmas, one and all. See you next year, hopefully under significantly better circumstances. 

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