Thursday, October 31, 2024

Mel's Inktober 31 - Chernabog

And last but not least, one of my most favorite and Disney's most underrated villains, the one and only Chernabog!

Bet you can't guess what music I listened to while working on this. I've even watched the clip already. Still holds its terrifying charm.

And that's a wrap for another "Inktober" challenge! Happy Halloween, everybody!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Mel's Inktober 30 - Snow vs Heat Mistress

I'm Mistress White Christmas!
I'm Mistress Snow!
I'm Mistress Icicle!
I'm Mistress Ten Below! 

Friends call me Snow Mistress!
Whatever I touch

Turns to snow in my clutch!

I'm too much!

She's Mistress White Christmas!
She's Mistress Snow!

(That's right!)

She's Mistress Icicle!

She's Mistress Ten Below!

Friends call me Snow Mistress!
Whatever I touch

Turns to snow in my clutch!

(She's too much!)

I never want to know a day
That's over 40 degrees!

I'd rather have it 30, 20, 10,

Then 5 and let it freeze!

She's Mistress White Christmas!
She's Mistress Snow!

(That's right!)

She's Mistress Icicle!

She's Mistress Ten Below!

Friends call me Snow Mistress!
Whatever I touch

Turns to snow in my clutch!
I'm too much!
(Too much!)

I'm Mistress Green Christmas!
I'm Mistress Sun!
I'm Mistress Heat Blister!

I'm Mistress 101!

They call me Heat Mistress!
Whatever I touch

Starts to melt in my clutch!

I'm too much!

She's Mistress Green Christmas!
She's Mistress Sun!

She's Mistress Heat Blister!

She's Mistress 101!

They call me Heat Mistress!
Whatever I touch

Starts to melt in my clutch!

(She's too much!)
Thank you!

I never want to know a day
That's under 60 degrees!
I'd rather have it 80, 90,
100 degrees!
Oh, some like it hot,
But I like it
really hot!

She's Mistress Green Christmas!
She's Mistress Sun!
(Sing it!)
She's Mistress Heat Blister!
She's Mistress 101!

They call me Heat Mistress!
Whatever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch!
I'm too much!
(Too much!)

I know it's a little too soon to be thinking about Christmas, especially with Halloween just around the corner. I just thought I'd have a bit of fun with a gender-swap of Rankin-Bass's famous polar opposite duo.

And boy, did I have fun! Eat your heart out, Elsa. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Mel's Inktober 29 - Crazy Customers

I often like to compare customers, particularly the ones that show up around Thanksgiving and Christmas, to the seagulls in Finding Nemo.

If you know those seagulls, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Mel's Inktober 28 - Rapunzel and Robin Hood

Wowsers, I haven't drawn Terence and Rhiella in a long time. Haven't written about them for quite some time, either. 

Looking at their story now, I think it needs a serious overhaul. Oh, I still intend to write about them by all means, but some major changes are quite in order.

A few years ago, I imagined them dressed up as Rapunzel and Robin Hood. So, it was really fun to draw them like this again, and Rhiella would be a lot more like Rapunzel than Maid Marian.

And yes, she's just about to clonk herself with that frying pan! (Ouch!)

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Mel's Inktober 27 - Performing Couple

The Windwillows made it very big in the entertainment field, and in some ways, they don't completely retire.

Almost everybody must admit their singing and acting aren't bad at all, and there are plenty of friends and fans to sort of balance out the bullies and nasty critics.

In many ways, that fan base came in handy. When Malachi was attacked, plenty of people were furious about it and those assassins would have been dead meat if their plot succeeded, even without Beowulf involved. Some of the people who claimed to hate Malachi didn't actually hate him to the point of wishing him dead, while others admitted they wanted to like him better.

As time goes on, the Windwillows gain more and more respect. Nowadays, you can bank on a huge turnout for an exclusive performance, and it's plain enough these fauns still have the old touch. Many aspiring actors and actresses look to them as a fine example of how it's done; for that matter, if the Windwillows decide to help them out personally, they're practically in business already.

Malachi still keeps in touch with his dear friend Kelly Murphy, a half-elf who runs his very own prestigious company. 

In fact, Murphy was instrumental in Malachi making it as big as he did in the old days; Murphy personally put in a good word for him when he gave acting another try (he quit cold turkey after his parents died) and that led to Dancing in the Snow, the enormous comeback that became Malachi's ultimate trademark.

Not only was such a moving picture something worth being remembered for, but Malachi finally saw the good side of acting and he became far more popular and made a boatload more money than before. He's easily a bigger star than Joanna, but of course she's no slouch herself. People will still ask her for an autograph, a song, or a brief reenactment of a famous scene from time to time.

As for Murphy, he'll take any recommendation from Malachi at face value, since he knows his old mate always chooses new kids on the block wisely. You should see those two when they're performing together for old times' sake.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Mel's Inktober 26 - Malachi and Joanna

There's nothing more beautiful than a devoted couple who has been together for a long time, and from the way they each see it, even forever isn't long enough. They have their problems, as all couples do, but they work through them and emerge better than ever.

When all is said and done, neither would trade the other for the world. Sometimes "happily ever after" isn't just something that exists in fairy tales.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Mel's Inktober 25 - Spirit and Rain

Holy smokes, I can't tell you how many times I watched this movie growing up. No, really, I can't.

With that being said, I continue to enjoy this movie very much. I still have the DVD and I own a digital copy on Amazon Prime. It evokes nice childhood memories and still holds up quite well today. Shame they don't make movies like this anymore.

This movie helped me a great deal in both horse anatomy and facial fluidity; my characters are a lot more expressive and I've gotten better at depicting such emotions. 

But I don't think the so-called sequel holds a candle to this. I guess it's okay for people who are that nostalgic for the first movie and who really, really like horses, but I'll pass, thanks.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mel's Inktober 24 - Playful Pups

Nothing fancy about this one. Just a nice, simple, feel-good moment of two adorable dogs having some autumn fun together.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mel's Inktober 23 - Fishing With Ernie and Bert

One of Ernie and Bert's best-known and best-loved sequences. I wonder how many kids believed this or tried this out.

I think my sister and I tried it at least once or twice, and one celebrity (can't recall her name) mentioned during Sesame Street's 50-year anniversary that she actually believed this for several years when she was a kid. "And for, like, five years, I thought that was how you caught fish!"

I hardly ever fished growing up, but I do remember fishing at least once with my grandpa. I definitely remember what it was like cleaning a fish. Ugh, the sight and smell were horrendous. 

Today, I sort of like seafood, provided it's already been cleaned out and cut up into neat little pieces and it's not staring back at me. I definitely love shrimp (though my mom hates it) and I've tried lobster and crab once, maybe twice. I do recall eating salmon and enjoying it very much. Every once in a blue moon, I'll order fish and chips if it's on the menu.

Back when I worked in a deli, there was a seafood section next to us and we lent each other a hand from time to time. I was always a bit squeamish about handling the oysters.

I guess it all depends on what you're used to. If you're more exposed to that stuff, it's not a big deal. But since I've been less exposed throughout my life, it's a slightly bigger deal for me.

In my books, fauns are omnivores and have no trouble eating meat, but it's fish they eat most often. Malachi loves fish and Joanna can prepare a very tasty fish dish. Cecily, having grown up by the ocean, will eat any kind of seafood at any time and can easily clean and cook a fish by herself, as can everyone else in her family.

Even Beowulf likes fish, though he's obviously had to eat them raw and wriggling most of the time. A beautifully fried fish with a bunch of big, lovely, golden chips will win him over in an instant.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mel's Inktober 22 - Snorkeling With Dolphins

Nothing fancy. Just a random girl soaking it up under the sea.

I was never this brave around water and probably never will be; I've always been a little aquaphobic. But I've always enjoyed underwater stuff and I have plenty of characters who soak it up at every possible opportunity. If Hayao Miyazaki's trademark was flying, mine will most likely be swimming.

I do like dolphins, too.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years