Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mel's Inktober 11 - Malachi and the High Priest

My main books are Christian fantasy, and my character Malachi is the first faun to become the High Priest of a Christian church. 

This is him in his younger years, at the lowest point he's ever been in his life. 

He's just lost his parents, his big acting career is over, and everything is simply in an awful mess. He only refrains from committing suicide because that would be the easy way out and he doesn't deserve it, and he doesn't want to hurt his remaining family members even more.

With nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to, he stumbles upon a Christian church and somehow manages to set hoof through the doors. At first, all he can do is cry it out, until a special someone comes to him.

The man's name is Joram, and he's the High Priest of the Church at that time and as deserving of the position as anyone else.

Most people avoid Malachi or ridicule him because he's a faun, but Joram knows what this faun really needs and is more than willing to give it to him. A few fauns have joined the Christian sect every so often, but they also keep to themselves most of the time.

For the time being, Joram tries to let this young stag know he's here for him and it's not too late to turn over a new leaf. It takes a long time for Malachi to get back on his hooves and even longer to forgive himself, but this marks the point where his life starts moving in the right direction. In hindsight, he's immensely grateful to Joram and can't think about the man without getting a little teary-eyed.

No, Malachi isn't Joram's immediate successor. He doesn't become High Priest himself for a few more decades. But when that day finally comes, he's truly honored and humbled to put the same mantle on his shoulders and don the same winged ornament below his throat. He also keeps a special photo of Joram in his office, often pauses at the man's painted portrait on the wall in that special hall, and tells his children all about his old friend.

Joram really had no way of knowing just how far his influence would spread.

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Mel's Inktober 17 - Cute Black Cats

Wanted something a bit happier and a lot simpler this time. I've always been a pretty big cat person; I'd have dogs and cats if I ...