Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 23

23 days down, 8 to go. I must admit, I've grown rather fond of drawing with Sharpies, and I think I may do Sharpie drawings a little more often after this.

Of course, that'll mean increasing my stock; I've already had to buy a new box of Sharpies all over again! Thank goodness for, and for my Prime membership, which basically means I have to pay a monthly fee (only $13) but I don't have to pay shipping and my packages arrive much, much faster; plus, I can watch certain movies and cartoons through Amazon for free. As far as I'm concerned, it's a pretty sweet deal.

Now, day 23 for "Inktober": Ancient. Sure had fun with this one!

I've always been fascinated with ancient Egypt, and after drawing this, I got the idea for a possible historical fiction series for kids, where kids (different kids with each book) are transported back in time with the aid of some magic animal or something. I can figure out the fine details later, and I really need to learn to concentrate on one writing project at a time. I swear, I have more ideas in my head than I know what to do with, and they all sound so much better and more epic in my head.

Day 23 for "Fantasytober": Scary Pegasus. Everybody loves a flying horse (I used to seesaw between the unicorn and the Pegasus as my favorite fantasy creature), but this is a flying horse you'll want to stay far, far away from...or better yet, never come in contact with at all!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 22

Finally back on track! Just a little less than a week left; boy, has this month passed by in a flash. Time has that uncanny way of speeding up when you get older. And with increased hours at work, time goes even faster for me, not that I'm least, not too much!

Day 22 of "Inktober": Ghost. Give me the cute little ghosts any day, the ones who are far more charming than terrifying!

Day 22 of "Fantasytober": Scary Mermaid. The ocean may be beautiful and wondrous but it does have its scary parts, and you most definitely don't want to be part of her world!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Days 20 and 21

Had a little glitch with my computer, and work hours have been piling up lately, so I had to combine entries again.

Well, the important thing is that I get the artwork done (even if this is just for fun, it's still good practice for finishing what I start) and that I have a good time with the art itself.

And I'm sure not complaining about more hours at Kneaders! I remember the dark days of WinCo (okay, not that dark, but definitely less pleasant) when I was hardly working and making anything at all.

My old boss kept promising me more hours for more than six months straight, and nothing happened. (Yeah, boss, talk of extra hours still leaves me and my expenses unpaid, and it's easy for you to talk when you get a nice cushy 40 hours each week because you're in charge.) And on the few times when I was there, the boss would get as much work out of me as possible as fast as possible, as if I were a machine rather than a person, and breathe down my neck the entire time.

Granted, he did have a knack for keeping things running smoothly, and being a manager sure ain't for the faint of heart. I know for a fact I couldn't handle that kind of pressure. All the same, morale would take a serious blow whenever that guy was around, and I wasn't the only one who didn't like him and wondered how he got to be in charge. I hear he's still around, and the coworker/friend who's keeping me informed tells me he's a real jerk and has lost several more deli workers since I left, meaning the whole store has a very high turnover rate, which isn't good for a business in the long run.

Not trying to villainize my old boss or the rest of WinCo's management or anything. Like I said, I understood where he was coming from (even if he didn't understand where I was coming from) and there are much worse people than him out there. But if I may speak my mind, he's by far the worst boss I ever had and I can't say I miss WinCo all that much. Sure, it was a good experience for me (that place really teaches you to control your temper), I made a few friendships there, and it's still a nice place to shop.

But I have no intentions of working there again. Once was enough.

In fact, in hindsight, it appears that those guys were discriminating against me on purpose; Mom thinks I could have taken them to court if this had gone on for much longer. My former coworker believes it was discrimination, too.

Oh, well. All I can say now is good luck to those guys (and good riddance!) and their loss is Kneaders' gain.

Kneaders has its share of hard work, which I don't mind; I understand it's a bakery and a cafe rolled into one, and at least I'm getting more hours, which means more money, and management is a hundred times friendlier. I've been happier at Kneaders in six months than I was at WinCo for two years, and I plan to stick around Kneaders for a good while yet.

Now that I got that little rant out of my system, here's day 20 of "Inktober": Tread. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be "tread" or "thread," since I saw entries from other artists for both words. But I went with "tread" and the best thing I could think of was treading water.

I'm hardly a swimmer myself but I'm always looking for an excuse to practice swim art. As scarce as the details are in this drawing, there's plenty to see below the water, and this gal's only up for a fresh breath before she dives down again, since a snorkel is all she's got. I get a real kick out of drawing wet hair, and there's something about people in snorkel/scuba gear that gives me pleasant shivers.

Day 20 of "Fantasytober": Headless Waiter. I don't have a strong stomach for decapitation scenes, least of all with blood involved. So I went for a plain skull, but the grin on that bony face still creeps me out! Hey, as long as you're here, waiter, why don't you fetch me a triple cheeseburger with extra pickles, onions, and bacon, along with a heap of fries, a large Dr. Pepper, and a hot fudge sundae?

Now, on to day 21! This day for "Inktober" presents: Treasure. There's a myriad of ways to interpret a prompt like this. I ended up settling for sunken treasure, which gave me yet another excuse to draw a girl underwater, this time with full scuba equipment.

Yes, I show boys underwater, too; I love to draw Reid swimming in his backyard lake. He's every bit as passionate about the water as his ancestor Terence was, and even invents a "water mask" to protect his eyes, so he sort of introduces Daire to "scuba diving," or the fantasy version of it. Those shells they use to breathe (which Terence himself got as a gift from the merfolk; details of that story still pending!) let you breathe underwater all you want, but your eyes are still exposed. And as we all know, a mask traps air in front of your eyes, which not only saves your eyes from pain and irritation but also vastly improves your underwater view.

And finally, here's day 21 of "Fantasytober": Two Dwarves and a Ghost. Not only do I really, really like this image, but I think I might use it for a story later. Sometimes I draw an illustration to accompany my story; other times, like in the case of Reid's story, the illustration sparks the idea for the story!

For the record, this isn't an evil ghost. Mischievous, yes; evil, no. Sort of like a more naughty version of Casper.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 19

19 entries down, 12 to go; 38 and 24 if you count "Fantasytober." Steady on, as the British say!

Day 19 of "Inktober": Sling. Naturally, my favorite kind of "sling" came to mind; that is, Angry Birds. And while I have been meaning to do some fan art for some time, this marks the first time I've actually gotten around to doing it. Incoming!

Day 19 of "Fantasytober": Monster and Spider Scaring One Another. If there's one thing in the world I can't stand, it's a spider. Any living thing with more than four legs (or less than two) gives me the willies something awful. But they say spiders are more scared of us than we are of them (which I find rather hard to believe) and this was a real riot to draw! I always like to go whole hog with crazy facial expressions whenever I can. Which creature do you think scared the other first, and the worst?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 18

Now that I'm caught up, today's entries were a bit easier. I also made it easier on myself by not making either entry too detailed. Good art is not always super-intricate; some of the best art I've seen is made of very little detail and very basic shapes. Like Charles Schulz's Peanuts; there's something about those characters that's so simple and yet so charming.

So, in that case, here we go with "Inktober" 18: Misfit. I had a hard time making up my mind for a while, until I settled for some of the most famous "misfits" out there: Rankin-Bass's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Hermey the Elf. Once again, this is art at its most basic and most fantastic. The special effects may be nothing that special by today's standards, but the classic charm is still there, and what they lack in dazzling cinematography, they make up for in spades with the script and the songs. I love every single song on the soundtrack and can sing every single one on cue.

"We're a couple of misfits! We're a couple of misfits! What's the matter with misfits? That's where we fit in!"

"Fantasytober" 18: A Centaur in Costume. I easily had the most fun with this and this is definitely one of my most favorites! He never has to worry about a getaway horse because he's already his own getaway horse!

Never watched any of the movies or the old black-and-white series, but I'll bet everybody's familiar with Disney's TV theme song: "Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, comes a horseman known as Zorro! This bold renegade carves a 'Z' with his blade! A 'Z' that stands for 'Zorro'!"

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 17

At last, I'm caught up! I know, I know, I don't have to do this; no one is forcing me and there's no prize or anything.

It's all in pure fun, which is why I'm doing it in the first place. And this has been a steady streak for the last three years, and I'm one to keep a good tradition going. Besides, it's good practice for being more of a finisher. If I'm ever going to get my writing or art career off the ground, I need to learn to finish what I start.

Anyhow, I present to you "Inktober" number 17: Ornament. Another unicorn, yes, but I wanted something that wasn't quite so complex...or your typical Christmas ornament.

Number 17 for "Fantasytober": Vampire with a Blood Cocktail. Never was a big fan of vampires, mainly because I never had the stomach for bloody scenes or the overly sexualized type, and don't get me started on Mrs. Meyer's infamous sparklies. However, I positively adore Dracula from Hotel Transylvania, mainly because he's a nice guy for a change, albeit a somewhat weird one with a slightly dark sense of humor.

This marks my first 2019 entry with a bit of color outside of the black and white.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Days 15 and 16

Had a little (or more than a little) catching up to do, but here they are!

Day 15 for "Inktober": Legend. This one took a while to figure out, but I ended up settling for famous comic strip characters, characters that have a special place in my heart. So, here's Snoopy from Charles Schulz's Peanuts, Jim Davis's Garfield, and Hobbes from Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes, striking their iconic dancing poses.

Day 15 for "Fantasytober": An Alien in Costume. Tried to keep it as simple as possible, but drawing it wasn't so simple after all. He is rather cute, but now I can't look at him without hearing the voices of the Martians from Sesame Street, the ones that go: "Yip-yip-yip-yip-yip, uh-huh, uh-huh!"

Now, on to the sweet 16! In the "Inktober 16" category, we have: Wild. Another unicorn, and another silhouette, but I think the mane and tail, combined with the majestic pose against a sky of falling stars, make up for the simplicity.

And finally, in the "Fantasytober 16" category, I present: A Unicorn Swimming in Candy. Who'd like to go for a "swim" in that many sweets? You'd probably need a scuba tank if you decided to dive down that far!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Happy Birthday to Mom

Happy 65th birthday to my mom!

We really spoiled her this year...or, for a better word, pampered.

Today was my day off from work, but I still stopped by to pick up a really nice gift basket and box of eclairs, Mom's favorite dessert in the world. I got an employee discount, and a good thing today was Pay Day. Needless to say, Mom was pleasantly surprised!

And yesterday, we bought her a bunch of nice stuff at Wal-Mart with Christine participating; we gave her the goods after dinner, right before cake and ice cream.

We got her candy, a new sweater, new jeans, some lotion and bath stuff, a couple of good books (with a cute little bookmark), and two DVDs of Lassie and Mr. Peabody and Sherman; Mom really loves the old shows and cartoons she grew up, and often plays them on her phone or iPad after the rest of us have gone to bed. And, of course, we topped everything off with a pretty card that everybody signed, including Lizzie. I even took the liberty of writing "Keith," meaning I was Dad's ghost writer. Since Mom claims I take after Dad the most, it seemed fitting.

Mom also got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Uncle Scot and Aunt Suzie, and a beautiful text from her sister, Aunt Sue, who's three years older than her. 

Dinner-wise, we went to IHOP, which I must say has some of the best fries I've ever eaten; plus, they have great "Splashberry" drinks and I had a lovely spicy chicken burger. I'm usually not a fan of spicy food, but every now and then I love a bit of Buffalo chicken...the mild kind, that is.

Our server was really awesome, too. We could tell he was the only server that night; luckily, it wasn't too busy, but he still did an outstanding job at waiting on everybody. We made sure to leave him a nice tip when we left.

I'll definitely have to come back to IHOP sometime, and I don't think I'll wait for another birthday for that to happen.

So, once more for the road: Happy birthday, Mom!

P.S. Due to Mom's birthday, "Inktober" and "Fantasytober" #15 will be delayed. So, I'll just have to lump four drawings together.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 14

The day before my mom's 65th birthday.

When I got up this morning to get ready for work, I saw I had a text message, telling me not to come in today because we were that slow. Well, these last couple of weeks had kept me on my toes, so no need to tell me twice! I love a day off here and there; it was having too many days "off" at WinCo that led me to quit. I like to stay home and rest, but I like to get paid as well. (Speaking of which, tomorrow is Pay Day!)

This ended up working in my favor, because not only could I work on my "Inktober" art some more, but I got to go to Arctic Circle with my family for lunch (Mom wanted an "early birthday" celebration), and afterward we took Christine to the store to shop for Mom's gifts. We got her some good stuff, too; she's really easy to shop for, and she doesn't like having a big fuss made over her, but nevertheless, she deserves something nice.

As for "Inktober," today's theme is: Overgrown. A little bug lost in a big tangle of grass, flowers, and weeds was all I could think of, but I still think it turned out rather nicely.

"Fantasytober" #14: A Witch Crashing Her Broomstick. Ah, yes, the typical, "Watch where you're flying!" Or, "Don't drink and fly!" That's gotta hurt...

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 13

Day 13, and we're almost halfway there. Holy Jelly Bellies, Batman!

For today's lucky number of "Inktober": Ash. Another dragon, I know, but considering the theme, it made perfect sense and it was a lot of fun. I can hardly look at this thing with a straight face now.

Lucky 13 for "Fantasytober": Mermaid Bobbing for Apples. Needless to say, a creature of the water would be a total champion at apple-bobbing!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 12

I present to you good people day 12 of "Inktober": Dragon. Once again, I cheated a bit with this, but I still think it turned out pretty good, considering I'm not the best dragon artist in the world. One of my friends thinks this is a sea dragon stirring up a storm, and you know what? I really like that idea!

Day 12 of "Fantasytober": Dragon Participating in Halloween. I didn't even realize (at first) that "dragon" was the theme for the original "Inktober" as well, but oh well. I kept this one very cartoony but still cute; that's the kind of Halloween I prefer.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 11

Day 11, and still going strong, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the strain now. It's one thing to draw and write at your own pace, and quite another to be committed to a daily challenge. Well, if nothing else, this is good training if I ever hope to be a real artist and author someday, where I actually present my work to the public and (if I'm lucky) get paid for my work.

So, "Inktober" numero once: Snow. Maybe not my finest drawing, but it's still cool!

"Fantasytober" numero once: Fantasy Thriller. I cheated a bit with this one, but I love how it turned out just the same. Besides, drawing these kinds of creatures in these kinds of poses in full detail would have been a nightmare. Incidentally, I never was a huge fan of Michael Jackson, but I always liked "Thriller" and the music video gave me genuine goosebumps the first time I saw it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 10

"Inktober" take 10: Pattern. When it comes to drawing zebras, I have a love/hate relationship. You think drawing a zebra's stripes can't be that complicated, until you try it for yourself.

Though I tried to make this simple, drawing it (and cleaning it up in Photoshop) was no piece of cake.

"Fantasytober" take 10: Dorky Twilight. My favorite of today's entries, by far. Everybody who knows me knows how I feel about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, so I'll just let the following image do all the talking. You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes even ten thousand.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 9

Boy-howdy, the temperatures have taken a plummet this week. Just tonight, my mom and little brother made the "sign of evil" against the weatherman, which I personally thought was a bit over-the-top.

But we did have a lovely evening with the Relief Society; they had a "Soup & Swap" night, so we brought over stuff in good condition that we don't need anymore (clothes, books, old handbags; I even found a journal that hadn't been touched yet), and we had soup and rolls. I'm not much of a soup person, but someone brought along this real nice "funeral potatoes" soup that's even nicer with shredded cheese and bits of bacon.

Soup is quite popular at Kneaders, too. At least one in three people order soup with their meals, and a couple of people have asked, "When are you gonna start serving potato soup or chili or clam chowder?" Well, I don't make the orders; I just follow them. But if they ever do start serving potato soup or clam chowder, I might have a bowl or two myself.

Now, whilst Sesame Street's "Count Up to Nine" plays in the background, I present to you number nine of "Inktober": Swing. And who can resist a pair of adorable little monkeys swinging through the vines?

Number nine of "Fantasytober": The Weird Sisters. Double, double, toil and trouble! Fire burn and cauldron bubble! By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 8

Entering week 2 of "Inktober" and "Fantasytober." Just a little less than a month left until "NaNoWriMo" (and yes, I'm participating in that, too), and a little less than three months left in the year and decade. Ho-o-o-o-oly eggbeaters, Batman!

So, "Inktober" #8: Frail. Given how complex my last entry was, I went for something a bit simpler this time, but I tried to make this drawing pretty just the same. I'm not much of a bug person (anything with more than four legs, or less than two, gives me the willies) but I love butterflies.

"Fantasytober" #8: Pac-Man-Style Ghosts. Even if you didn't play "Pac-Man" that often as a kid, I'm sure you remember the general design of the game, especially the ghosts. It's amazing how much fun you can have with very simple shapes.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 7

A full week into "Inktober," and so far, so good.

On the side, Mom got a new bed today. Well, it wasn't really new; it used to belong to Mom's friend, Kayalauna, but when she got a new bed, she let us have the old one for free, since it's still in good condition. We're still keeping our old wooden frame and everything, so the only difference is the mattress is a bit higher and firmer to the touch, but quite comfy.

Now, on to the art. For lucky number seven: Enchanted. This is one of my favorites, but also one of the biggest pains in the butt to draw and clean up. I spent almost the entire day on this alone, and I had the day off from work, too.

For "Fantasytober" #7: Cute Bat. Bats have never been my specialty, but at least I did something harmless and adorable for a change, and this gave me less of a headache than my "Enchanted" entry. I also listened to Sesame Street's "Batty Bat" to set the mood.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 6 (and General Conference and My Teacher)

General Conference has ended, and I realize it's been a complete year since the passing of my Creative Writing teacher, Kay Cannon.

I already have a blog entry dedicated to her but I'll say it again: she's the one who got me to take writing seriously in the beginning. Writing was a fun enough hobby as a kid, but she persuaded me to consider it for an actual career.

It's thanks to Mrs. Cannon that I now hold a college degree in Creative Writing...but more than that, she made me feel like I had genuine talent at something, and that means a lot to an "Average Jane" teenager going through a lonely, insecure period. She congratulated me on Facebook when I graduated, and she offered her condolences when Dad died; she still remembered her own dad's death vividly, and now she's with him again.

Apparently she's affected a lot of other kids besides me, because I read plenty of her praises on social media when she died. I'm not surprised. You could say she was everything a teacher should be, and more.

On a more uplifting note, President Nelson has told us next General Conference, in April, will be extra-special because 2020 will mark 200 years since Joseph Smith's First Vision, and he challenged us to read the account of the First Vision again as well as the Book of Mormon. And speaking of the Book of Mormon, they're releasing some impressive short videos about Book of Mormon stories, similar to the "Life of Christ" videos they released a couple of years back. Those should be interesting.

In ten more years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will celebrate its 200-year mark, too.

I'll tell you this: the Church of Jesus Christ, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, have definitely kept me going through my rough patches. The losses of my dad and grandparents, as sad as they are, are made much more bearable with the promise of life after death and forever families. For that matter, I've never really had to question where Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa are now, or whether I'll see them again. A part of me has just known; the timing of their passing bothers me more than anything else.

Sadly, not everyone I know shares my beliefs, and at least three people that I thought were my best friends have stopped talking to me because of those beliefs. I remember we had a few unpleasant clashes about certain topics, and now they've just cut me off altogether. I know I shouldn't judge them but it still hurts that they allowed our differences to get in the way of our friendship. I was willing to work past those differences; clearly, they did not think the same.

Well, when all is said and done, I'd rather lose them than the gospel. I'd rather live my life alone with the Savior on my side than live my life surrounded by the entire world without the Savior. I know there's a lot I still need to work on, but there are some things I've done that I'm rather proud of as well.

Now, then, "Inktober" once again. Day 6: Husky. I used a great deal of black ink this past week. It's a good thing I recently bought a whole packet of Sharpies, although two Sharpies are just about dried up by now. But the drawing (and coloring) itself has been quite relaxing. No wonder adult coloring books are all the rage these days, and here's hoping I can make one of my own.

"Fantasytober," day 6: Witch's Apple. Another picture that bites, almost literally!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 5

General Conference weekend has arrived. Regretfully, I had to work this morning and most of the afternoon, but I got home in time to catch the last couple of speakers for the Saturday afternoon session, and then I joined my entire family in the Women's Session at our stake center, and afterward we had dinner at Dairy Queen. Then Mom and Christine had to make a quick (or not so quick) trip to the store, and we went to none other than my old work place, WinCo Foods.

This means I was out of the house for most of the day, so access to my computer and art stuff was very limited. But it was a pretty good day overall; I even brought home a bunch of gingerbread mummies from work, as a special family treat, just because.

And you know the old saying, "Better late than never." So, without further ado, here's "Inktober" entry #5: Build. Pretty adorable, eh?

Day 5 for "Fantasytober": A Werewolf with Candy. Some of my werewolf characters may be sympathetic and even friendly; others, you'll want to run as far away from them as possible, as quickly as possible! And I love candy to pieces, but not that many pieces.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 4

Today went so much better. It's almost worth being sick just to feel that wonderful relief afterwards, although my case wasn't that serious. Mostly I just had to use the restroom a lot, and they don't pay me to waste all day in the restroom. Once I got home, had plenty of fluids, and got a good night's sleep, I felt as good as new.

I even got some much-needed pops out of my neck and back; I must have turned my neck wrong the day before, so it really hurt to turn my neck this way or that way, and Mom could feel a hard knot in my shoulder area when she gave me a massage. I've been popping my neck and back pretty consistently since junior high; it used to drive my dad up the wall.

Since Mom has to go shopping soon, I stayed after work to have lunch (a turkey sandwich, tomato soup, Dr. Pepper, and a chocolate dome, all delicious!) and place a special order for my family for tomorrow (gingerbread mummies; they taste a lot like Grandpa's old gingersnaps).

I'm also trying to decide what to get my mom for her birthday, which is October 15. She's pretty easy to shop for, and she never liked to have a fuss made over her. But because it's her birthday, and because she's Mom, she deserves something nice. A little tiny Dad is telling me so, even now!

Now then, day 4 of "Inktober": Freeze. Pretty cool pun, innit? Ha, ha, ha!

Day 4 of "Fantasytober": Vampire Faun. I rather had fun with this one, and no, he does not sparkle in the sunlight and he will not sneak into your house just to watch you sleep!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 3

Well, today was a little mortifying. I wasn't feeling quite so hot at work, so they allowed me to go home two hours early, and one of the bosses drove me in her own car. I wasn't that bad but it's just one of those days where you're far from top-notch.

Here's hoping a good night's sleep will do me some good and I can be back to my old self when I go back to work. At least everyone was sympathetic; they could even tell something was wrong with me, since I wasn't working as diligently, I slipped away at least five times just to use the restroom (though I made sure not to leave any customers at the register), and I wasn't making any wisecracks. When Mel Mather's not joking, you know something's up, Doc!

So, anyway, here we are, day three of "Inktober," which is: Bait. Fresh worm, fresh on the hook!

For "Fantasytober" 3: Unicorn Casting a Spell. I thought the cape would lend just a bit of originality.

No name for this character, no idea whether I'll use her for anything again.

Pinocchio Day

 85 years