Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 11

Day 11, and still going strong, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the strain now. It's one thing to draw and write at your own pace, and quite another to be committed to a daily challenge. Well, if nothing else, this is good training if I ever hope to be a real artist and author someday, where I actually present my work to the public and (if I'm lucky) get paid for my work.

So, "Inktober" numero once: Snow. Maybe not my finest drawing, but it's still cool!

"Fantasytober" numero once: Fantasy Thriller. I cheated a bit with this one, but I love how it turned out just the same. Besides, drawing these kinds of creatures in these kinds of poses in full detail would have been a nightmare. Incidentally, I never was a huge fan of Michael Jackson, but I always liked "Thriller" and the music video gave me genuine goosebumps the first time I saw it.

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