Friday, October 18, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 18

Now that I'm caught up, today's entries were a bit easier. I also made it easier on myself by not making either entry too detailed. Good art is not always super-intricate; some of the best art I've seen is made of very little detail and very basic shapes. Like Charles Schulz's Peanuts; there's something about those characters that's so simple and yet so charming.

So, in that case, here we go with "Inktober" 18: Misfit. I had a hard time making up my mind for a while, until I settled for some of the most famous "misfits" out there: Rankin-Bass's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Hermey the Elf. Once again, this is art at its most basic and most fantastic. The special effects may be nothing that special by today's standards, but the classic charm is still there, and what they lack in dazzling cinematography, they make up for in spades with the script and the songs. I love every single song on the soundtrack and can sing every single one on cue.

"We're a couple of misfits! We're a couple of misfits! What's the matter with misfits? That's where we fit in!"

"Fantasytober" 18: A Centaur in Costume. I easily had the most fun with this and this is definitely one of my most favorites! He never has to worry about a getaway horse because he's already his own getaway horse!

Never watched any of the movies or the old black-and-white series, but I'll bet everybody's familiar with Disney's TV theme song: "Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, comes a horseman known as Zorro! This bold renegade carves a 'Z' with his blade! A 'Z' that stands for 'Zorro'!"

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 85 years