Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Inktober 2019 - Day 23

23 days down, 8 to go. I must admit, I've grown rather fond of drawing with Sharpies, and I think I may do Sharpie drawings a little more often after this.

Of course, that'll mean increasing my stock; I've already had to buy a new box of Sharpies all over again! Thank goodness for, and for my Prime membership, which basically means I have to pay a monthly fee (only $13) but I don't have to pay shipping and my packages arrive much, much faster; plus, I can watch certain movies and cartoons through Amazon for free. As far as I'm concerned, it's a pretty sweet deal.

Now, day 23 for "Inktober": Ancient. Sure had fun with this one!

I've always been fascinated with ancient Egypt, and after drawing this, I got the idea for a possible historical fiction series for kids, where kids (different kids with each book) are transported back in time with the aid of some magic animal or something. I can figure out the fine details later, and I really need to learn to concentrate on one writing project at a time. I swear, I have more ideas in my head than I know what to do with, and they all sound so much better and more epic in my head.

Day 23 for "Fantasytober": Scary Pegasus. Everybody loves a flying horse (I used to seesaw between the unicorn and the Pegasus as my favorite fantasy creature), but this is a flying horse you'll want to stay far, far away from...or better yet, never come in contact with at all!

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