Wednesday, May 22, 2024

BMM 22 - The Music of the Night

Nighttime sharpens
Heightens each sensation 
Darkness wakes
And stirs imagination
Silently the senses
Abandon their defenses 
Helpless to resist
The notes I write 
For I compose 
The music of the night
Slowly, gently
Night unfurls its splendor 
Grasp it, sense it
Tremulous and tender
Hearing is believing
Music is deceiving
 Hard as lightning
Soft as candlelight 
Dare you trust
The music of the night?
Close your eyes
For your eyes will only tell the truth 
And the truth isn't what you want to see
 In the dark, it is easy to pretend 
That the truth is what it ought to be
Softly, deftly,
Music shall caress you 
Hear it, feel it
Secretly possess you
Open up your mind
Let your fantasies unwind 
In this darkness which you know
You cannot fight
 The darkness of the music of the night
Close your eyes 
Start a journey to a strange new world
 Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 
Close your eyes and let music set you free 
Only then can you belong to me
Floating, falling
Sweet intoxication 
Touch me, trust me
Savor each sensation
Let the dream begin
Let your darker side give in 
To the power of the music that I write 
The power of the music of the night
You alone can make my song take flight 
Help me make the music of the night 
From Wikipedia: "The Music of the Night" (also labeled as just "Music of the Night" and originally labeled as "Married Man") is a major song from the 1986 musical The Phantom of the Opera. The music was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. Initially made famous by Michael Crawford, the actor who originated the role of the Phantom both in the West End and on Broadway, "The Music of the Night" has appeared on many cast recordings of the musical, sold millions of copies worldwide, and has been translated into many languages. 

My own thoughts: As of right now, this is the only other song from this musical that I've heard, the version sung by Michael Crawford and Susan Boyle. I found it very nice, and it helps that I'm already a bit in love with Michael Crawford's voice.

I imagine my character Malachi with a similar voice. 

Besides his acting skills, he's a superb singer, to the point where even the people who don't like him can't really find anything to criticize about his singing. He puts his beautiful, well-trained voice to excellent use inside and outside church, he and Joanna make an especially lovely duet, and he was Reid's unofficial singing coach as well as one of his swimming coaches.
When his children were young, they have many wonderful memories of their father singing lullabies to them. It never failed to relax them or comfort them if they'd just had a terrible dream or were upset about something. He could even compose some nice songs all his own, and Jonathan learned well enough from his dad and got good enough on his own to where people were quite surprised that he decided to be a soldier instead of an entertainer when he grew up. All Jonathan can say is that he feels like being a soldier is his true calling, though he sees no reason why he can't sing and dance on the side for fun.

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