Friday, October 12, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Day 12

Some hope lingers on the horizon. I haven't secured a new job yet, but my hours are getting bumped up a little more next week. My boss wants to get me more involved in opening the deli this time, which is fine with me because I'd much rather work in the morning than at night. You have to get up earlier but you get to go home while the day is still young.

Also, I've been getting more involved in reading, and I even finished a book all the way (without skipping). I'm working on President Nelson's challenge to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year; I haven't made much progress yet, but it's progress just the same. At least I've gotten started.

And earlier today, after work (I was called in for a bonus shift, which I was only too glad to accept), I went shopping with my sisters and one of my brothers for our mom's upcoming birthday. Her birthday's not until Monday (which I have free), but today was our best bet for shopping because tomorrow's going to be a bit hectic, and of course we don't shop on Sunday. Mom never likes us to make a fuss over her, but we all knew we should still get her something nice; I joked that "a little Dad" stood on my shoulder and kept whispering in my ear.

Afterward, we got a nice chicken dinner from WinCo (of all places), and after dinner, we watched Hotel Transylvania 2. It's so funny and adorable; the humor could get a bit crude in some places, but we end the movie on a highly positive note. I really look forward to seeing Hotel Transylvania 3; my other brother already saw it today with some of his buddies, so we teased him about watching the movies in reverse order.

Today had a bittersweet note, though. Today was the day of my teacher's funeral, and my mom went to a funeral of her cousin. I really wish I could have gone to Mrs. Cannon's funeral; even if I didn't have work, transportation would have been a problem. I feel just a little bad about not being able to see her one last time and pay my final respects. Well, I hope she's happy where she is now, and I hope my dad was there to greet her. Knowing her, from what her obituary said about her and what other people said about her on Facebook, it's safe to say that she went to the good place. I know we all die one day or another, and thank the Lord that death is not the end; it's just hard to be left behind, that's all.

Well, here's a fresh batch of pictures for "Inktober." I think this tradition's going to last a long, long time. But yeah, Mel, focus on one project at a time!

Day 12: Whale. For this, I included my character Terence, whom I haven't drawn in a while. Listening to the main theme for Free Willy helped to set the mood. Is Rhiella there, too? She is; she's just off-camera. She loves the water every bit as much as Terence does, maybe a hundred times more. Neither of them would ever come out of the water if they didn't have to.

Day 12 of Disney: Mothers. It only makes sense, given the prompt about fathers just a couple of days ago. Rapunzel's mother is one of my favorites; she never says a word in the entire movie, and yet her body language and facial expressions are spot-on. The saying proves true, "Some things don't need words."

Day 12 of Fantasytober: Witch. Hoo boy, did she freak me out when I was little! Rumor has it that Margaret Hamilton felt so bad about frightening children with this iconic role (she was a schoolteacher, and a genuine sweetheart) that when she had the opportunity to play the Wicked Witch of the West again, she said no; she felt once was more than enough.

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