Monday, October 29, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Day 29

Twenty-nine entries down; two to go! Next to the last of the last!

On a side note, I got to work a double shift today. They kind of messed up the schedule, so one girl would have been left all alone in the deli until the closers showed up. So I worked twice as long as I expected, but this means I get paid twice as much, and the MIT (manager in training) was nice enough to buy me lunch. I didn't ask for much: three chicken tenders, half a pound of potato wedges, a Snickers almond bar, and a Dr. Pepper. That way, she didn't have to spend too much on me, and there's only so much I can chow down in 30 minutes anyway. Of course, I thanked her, and she thanked me for being so willing to stay and help out. Flexibility and dependability go a long way in any job!

Now then, "Inktober" 29: Double. I decided to draw Terence and Rhiella (for the first time in ages) with their twin daughters, Rema and Della (short for Remaliah and Delilah).

Although the twins are identical, it's quite easy to tell them apart. For one thing, they wear their hair differently; Rema's hair is almost always braided. For another, Rema is by far the boldest and most assertive of the two. This means she's the leader, and she has little trouble dragging her sister along, although Della learns to put her foot down and think for herself. Of course, Rema means no real harm and she matures as she gets older, but she'll always have a playful streak. While Rema is deeply attached to her mother, she's clearly "Daddy's girl." She shares a special bond with Terence of which Terence himself takes note, and of course he's there for Della in a heartbeat when she needs him.

The twins are the only ones among Terence's immediate children to inherit his blue eyes, but his eyes appear here and there in the generations that follow. Although Reid is a descendant of Terence's son Remus, his eyes match Terence's eyes impeccably.

As you can guess, twins run in the genes of Terence's family as well. I plan to give twin boys to Tracy (Reid's cousin and Romulus's daughter), Alexander and Andrew.

"Disney Inktober" 29: Thomas O'Malley. Abraham DeLacey Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley, the alley cat from The Aristocats. Easily my most favorite member of the entire movie: best design, best voice, best dialogue, best development.

"Fantasytober" 29: Sea Serpent. Simple, yet cute! I can really do cute when I want to. He'd likely be safe enough to ride, but you might want to bring a scuba tank with you.

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