Friday, October 19, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Days 18 and 19

Guess I caught so caught up in my defense of Disney princesses that I forgot about Inktober. Oh, well, more pictures for this page!

Okay, starting with day 18: Bottle. In an instant I thought of my character Tallis, who is an alcoholic for a fair number of years. Even though he smiles for everybody and acts like everything in his life is fabulous, he's what we would call a "stepford smiler." If you don't know what that means, it means a remarkable deal of pain lurks behind that smile.

Even though Tallis keeps it to himself, as much as he tries to pretend otherwise, everything is not okay. The poor man has a lot going on and he doesn't know how to deal with it properly. So he seeks refuge in the bottle, which does him no good. Luckily, he does end up breaking the habit...after things in his life get so bad that not even the bottle will help and he knows it.

Day 18 of Disney: Sidekick. This one was a toughie but I ended up settling for Jaq and Gus from the 1950 Cinderella. I just love the way those little mice look, act, and talk! My own family talks like them a lot of the time; we use phrases like "Be care-fee!" and "Rake 'er easy!" and even the famous "Zuk-zuk!"

Day 18 of Fantasytober: Pixie. Nice to see a friendly face on Halloween, isn't it?

Day 19: Scorched. How's that for well done?

Day 19 of Disney: Phoebus. I didn't used to like this character so much, but now he's awesome! When he's not being truly heroic he provides some of the best humor. My Romulus is partly modeled after him; change their hair color, adjust their social rank, and throw in a pair of glasses, and they could be twins.

And at last, day 19 of Fantasytober: Troll. Gee, nice teeth!

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