Sunday, October 21, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Day 21

Here we go with day 21! Almost there! Must think like the Little Engine That Could! I think I can...I know I can...I thought I could...

Day 21: Drain. Ever have one of those days where you just feel like somebody pulled a plug on you? I sure have!

Disney 21: TV Shows. Oh, boy, did my siblings and I DEVOUR this show when we were growing up. Most of the details have faded from memory by now, but the theme song has never left me. For that matter, there are many shows from my childhood which I can no longer recall very well but I can sing their theme song in a heartbeat. Whoo-hoo!

Fantasytober 21: Satyr. Some people see a faun and a satyr as the same creature. I see these creatures as quite distinct. I see satyrs as bigger, stronger, and hairier, with lengthier, curvier, sharper horns, and overall, they're a tad less friendly! May want to keep your distance!

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