Official "Inktober" 22: Expensive. Never trust Ann Lactantius with a budget! Never assume that just because you have all the money in the world (or all the money you could ever need), you can splurge it on anything you want at any time. Many times, Ann buys things just for the sake of buying them. She, along with her side of the family, truly believes that money (and a ton of fancy stuff) means happiness...and she finds out the hard way that that's not true.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Inktober 2018 - Day 22
Twenty-two entries down; nine to go!
Official "Inktober" 22: Expensive. Never trust Ann Lactantius with a budget! Never assume that just because you have all the money in the world (or all the money you could ever need), you can splurge it on anything you want at any time. Many times, Ann buys things just for the sake of buying them. She, along with her side of the family, truly believes that money (and a ton of fancy stuff) means happiness...and she finds out the hard way that that's not true.
Disney "Inktober" 22: Rodents. I decided to go for a slightly lesser-known, less-celebrated rodent, Roquefort from The Aristocats. I always liked him; it's nice to see cats and mice get along for a change (likely enough, the Aristocats are too "sophisticated" to chase mice, so Roquefort knows he's safe around Duchess and her kittens), and he's just so darn cute! Sterling Holloway's voice is a nice touch, too. And that scene with the cracker never fails to make me hungry.
"Fantasytober" 22: Dryad. Not much to say about this one, but I like it!
Official "Inktober" 22: Expensive. Never trust Ann Lactantius with a budget! Never assume that just because you have all the money in the world (or all the money you could ever need), you can splurge it on anything you want at any time. Many times, Ann buys things just for the sake of buying them. She, along with her side of the family, truly believes that money (and a ton of fancy stuff) means happiness...and she finds out the hard way that that's not true.
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Pinocchio Day
85 years
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