Friday, October 5, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Day 5

Not much to say today, other than I think October of 2018 will hold a new record for my art. Besides doing three different "Inktober" challenges at the same time, I've got loads of other drawings for Reid's story on my plate, too.

Am I crazy? Maybe.

But it's fun, and since things at work aren't improving any time soon (though I have been putting out applications here and there), it gives me something to do. Art can be amazingly cathartic.

Now then, numero cinco: Chicken. Don't blame this poor little guy for "chickening" out! He doesn't want to participate in "fowl" play! He's a fine example of "poultry" in motion! Shall I "egg" you on with more "corny" puns? Got a "bone" to pick with me? Don't let all your puns "fly the coop" at once! I could do this all day.

Disney 5: Candy. My favorite Disney entry thus far, and not just because I have a huge sweet tooth myself!

And Fantasytober 5: Elf. I couldn't think of a good enough picture for the Tolkien type, so I went for the other elf. Admittedly, not one of my best Sharpies, and not one of my best works. 

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