Tuesday, October 10, 2023

2023 Inktober 10 - Terence in TLU Style

We wouldn't have Terence without The Last Unicorn, so every so often, I like to draw him in the movie's style. 

One criticism I will give Lady Amalthea is that she's not too terribly expressive, although Mia Farrow's voice work really helps to make up for it. And all of the other unicorns are drawn the exact same way, over and over. But their basic appearance is lovely; I love how their bodies "flow" and their manes are absolutely sumptuous. This movie also marked the first time I saw a depiction of a unicorn with a lion's tail.

As a kid, it took me a while to get used to the less-horsey aspect. Now I have a vast appreciation for the variety. It's so fascinating to see how the same fantasy creature is portrayed one way, and then portrayed another way.
This is probably why I love fantasy so much, because there are really no rules or limits at all. You can tell any story you want, any way you want. All you really have to do is be consistent, and not have magic be an instant solution to everything.
And drawing this kind of stuff is so much fun. I did two Last Unicorn pieces for FanX last year, and I'm still immensely proud of them today.

I'm in the process of reading the book yet again, I doubt I'll ever get tired of the movie, and I can sing every one of those songs on cue. I especially love to sing "In the Sea" and "That's All I've Got to Say." 
And criminy, I realized too late that I forgot Terence's crescent moon mark above his eye. Don't you just love it when you realize your mistakes after your work is done and you've already deleted the original WIP? 

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