Thursday, October 19, 2023

2023 Inktober 19 - Garfield and Odie

I've always had a soft spot for Garfield. I may not be a die-hard fan but I've never disliked him by any means. I especially love friendly moments between him and Odie. So, that's today's entry.

I'm posting this a little early because I got a night shift tonight. I don't usually work nights; I've told my boss that, while I'll work whenever I'm needed, I prefer mornings because it's more convenient for my family, and I'm just the kind of person who likes to get work over with as soon as possible so I have the rest of the day to myself, so I don't have to watch the clock all the time.

Besides, I worked plenty of night shifts at my old deli job and that was always a headache. Clean-up took forever, especially the dishes because we didn't have an automatic dishwasher, and I especially hated cleaning out the old grease from the fryer. It was hot, slimy, stinky work; I would almost rather clean a toilet.

And customers never failed to pop in at the very last minute to ask for something, to ask if we were still open. I wanted to scream at them, "Oh, go home, already!"

My most vivid memory of that place was when a couple caught us just after we'd drained the fryer and filled it with soapy vinegar to clean it out. They wanted a fresh batch of chicken, there was no earthly way to cook it that night, they got mad and complained, and since this supermarket couldn't afford to have even one customer upset, they gave them a whole chicken meal free of charge...which they claimed five days later.

It still puts a bad taste in my mouth to think about it. This place would do anything to make a customer happy, even at the workers' expense. Ironically, they didn't want any workers to stay for too long because they didn't want to pay more money. In short, management was a real piece of work.

So, that's another reason why I prefer to work in the daytime. But I guess they must be pretty desperate for help tonight; my current boss even apologized to me when he asked. One of the night workers got pretty sick, so I can't hold that against them.

Oh, well, it'll only be for a few hours, I live close enough, and at least I'll get paid for this.

The funny thing is, I kept waking up this morning to check for messages. Lately, they've been messaging me outside my scheduled shifts, asking if I could come in, so my days off aren't really days off after all. A little more consistency and better communication would be nice. Then, just when I thought I would have all of today to myself after all, I got a message asking about a rare night shift. So, I can't help feeling like I sort of jinxed it.

But again, this isn't too bad. It won't kill me, it'll add a few more dollars to my next paycheck, and this job beats my old job out of the park. Maybe I'll even ask my boss later if I qualify for a raise. 

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