Sunday, October 22, 2023

2023 Inktober 22 - Jack and Sally

My dearest friend,
If you don't mind,
I'd like to join you by your side

Where we can gaze into the stars

And sit together
Now and forever

For it is plain
As anyone can see,
We're simply meant to be

The best Tim Burton couple out there, no questions asked. They don't make couples like this anymore.

Provided it's done correctly, I have no problem with lovers starting out as childhood friends, and then their relationship gets "upgraded." For that matter, your spouse should be your best friend as well. Dad always called Mom his best friend, and vice versa.

I used Jack and Sally's relationship as the basis for the romantic relationship between some of my own characters, like Romulus and Kyla, Reid and Lara, Oliver and Angela, and especially Kaylee and Troy. In the beginning, each considered the other "the best friend I could ever ask for." Then they take it a few steps further, and nothing really changes after all, except for the better.

When all's said and done, they're "simply meant to be."

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