Sunday, October 15, 2023

2023 Inktober 15 - Bats

Not one of my best works, and I've yet to master drawing wings. Oh, well, this little guy looks kind of cute as well as fierce. 

Bats used to creep me out plenty. I still wouldn't want to go anywhere near one, unless it was super-tame and non-rabid. I have the same feelings for mice and rats: I'll pet a domesticated one, but keep my distance from the wild ones.

(Images property of their respective owners.)

And I'll never go anywhere near a spider or snake, regardless of size and tameness. I can't decide which of the two is worse. Anything with more than four legs or less than two simply give me the willies something nasty. Yeah, I recognize their value to the ecosystem; just keep those creepy crawlies far, far away from me!

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