Sunday, October 15, 2023

Happy Birthday, Mom!

A very happy birthday to my mom. Hope it's been a great one.
We got her some really nice stuff. She's a huge M*A*S*H* fan, so we included two seasons of the show that she didn't own before, along with an old Hanna-Barbera cartoon, some nice clothes that include a pink shirt with Dad's name on it in front of a big red heart and a soft white sweater with cupcake-like sprinkles all over it, and she can never say no to candy.
We already ate out at Culver's for her birthday dinner on Friday. But today, she opted for a delicious pork roast with mashed potatoes (mashed from real potatoes) and Cherry Coke. It evoked nice memories of the Sunday dinners we used to have with Grandma and Grandpa. Speaking of Grandma and Grandpa, we also visited their graves after church and watched their special anniversary tape when we got home, at Mom's insistence.
Love you so much, Mom.

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