Tuesday, October 17, 2023

2023 Inktober 17 - Vampire

I never liked vampires. I never liked bloody scenes and I especially can't stand the hot, steamy stuff, where evil incarnate is outrageously sexualized and hopeless idiots somehow fall head over heels for a creature who has every intention in the world of killing them. I needn't remind you of my feelings about Twilight, though I'll admit it's good for a laugh if nothing else, and it's definitely showed me the kinds of stories and characters I don't want to create. 

That said, I like to poke fun at vampires every so often, and I've got at least one story in mind in which my Beowulf encounters an actual vampire. With Beowulf being a werewolf and how werewolves and vampires are sworn enemies and all, I suppose such a story was inevitable, sooner or later. I'm kind of looking forward to it.

I'm also planning a standalone modern-day novel in which a girl encounters a vampire, but it's the complete opposite of Twilight. She doesn't develop an unhealthy obsession with him, she's a competent girl who learns to actually stand up for herself, she rescues someone who's worth rescuing, she's personally responsible for the vampire's demise in the end, and the whole story is told in just one book. Like I said, it's pretty much everything Twilight is not, so this ought to be interesting and fun, too.

Like the saying goes, only time will tell. 

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