Saturday, October 21, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 21

Twenty-one entries down, ten to go! Ho-o-oly guacamole, Batman! And tonight marks my last night least until next Saturday. At least I'll get a little breather.

I don't really mind the work so much (as tedious and grueling as it often is) as I mind the people who kind of make it their sacred duty to remind me (every day) of how I need to pick up the pace and what's going to happen to me if I don't step it up. As if I'm not already aware and I'm not already trying hard enough. I don't mean to be such a slowpoke, and in my defense, you don't want to work so fast that you make a mistake or don't do a thorough job. It's a tricky juggling act.

And while I appreciate speed and efficiency as much as the next person, I don't understand why everyone has to be on a perpetual time limit, why we're constantly trying to do as much as possible in as little time as possible. Sometimes it is good to slow down, even stop altogether.

I'm officially convinced that the deli is not the place for me (I don't see myself doing this forever), but unfortunately for me, I don't have another job to fall back on right now. I'm at that point in my life where I can't afford to be picky. No sense in jumping ship or burning bridges.

So yeah, I'll just have to suck it up and do what I can until something else comes along. But I still wish my coworkers would cut me a bit more slack.

Anyway, today's theme is: "Furious."

Most of the time, Terence is soft-spoken, with some sarcasm here and there. But when he gets mad, he blasts through the roof. He can yell at a decent volume and none of his words contain a speck of sugar.

That's kind of like me. I'm mostly mild-mannered, and sarcastic on occasion, but when I lose my temper, I do not hold back. I can get brutally frank, too.

Disney's theme: "Sidekick."

I was very happy to draw this one. I absolutely adore Mr. Smee. He's by far one of the best Disney sidekicks, whether on the team of good or evil. He entertained me as a kid and he entertains me as an adult.

He's just so adorable and hilarious, with some golden dialogue. I love how he's not really one of the bad guys (despite hanging out with them all the time and committing at least a few questionable acts), and how he shoos away dangerous monsters as if they were just your typical household pests. They couldn't have picked anyone better than Bill Thompson to voice him, too. I even like him in Return to Never Land, which is one of the higher quality Disney sequels.

Some of my most favorite lines:

"Now, why don't we put to sea, see? Leave Never Land. Forget Peter Pan." 

"Oh, dear, dear Captain Hook. Shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza? It ain't good form, you know."

"And he'd have had you by now, Captain, if he hadn't swallowed that alarm clock. But now when he's about, he warns you, as you might say, with his tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..."

"Shhhh! The poor captain has a splitting headache. We mustn't annoy him."

"Right in front of the crew, too." 

(to the crocodile) "Here, now, shame on you, upsetting the poor captain! There'll be no handouts today. Shoo, now! Shoo!"

(to the giant octopus in the sequel) "Oh, you big brute, you! Off with you! Go on, now, shoo! Shoo! And take your arms with you." 

"Hmph! At least the crocodile had manners."

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