Friday, October 13, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 13

Looks like I spoke too soon about a nice long break from work. One of my coworkers (with whom I worked just these last two nights) has, for some enigmatical reason, quit cold turkey, so they needed me to come in this evening for a few hours. At least there were two other people helping me out, so the job got done a lot quicker. We even clocked out two minutes early.

And then I have to work at least five more night shifts the following week, including my mom's birthday on Sunday. Delightful. Simply delightful.

Well, I still managed to squeeze in some time for "Inktober," even if I had to wait until after work to post the pictures.

Theme number 13: "Teeming."

Yep, that's Terence and Rhiella once again. They would really get off on this kind of sport if they were living in our world. And I kept the fish nice and simple because to draw that many fish in fine detail in such a limited time frame would have been a nightmare.

Disney theme number 13: "Fall Leaves."

I had a fairly good idea of how I wanted this to look. Just took Bambi's iconic butterfly scene and replaced the butterfly with some multicolored leaves dancing in the wind. I well imagine Bambi would have had the same reaction.

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