Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 19

Not much to say other than today will be a repeat of yesterday, and tomorrow will be a repeat of today, and the day after tomorrow will be a repeat of tomorrow. And what happens after the day after tomorrow, only time will tell. (Ha, ha.)

Now, then, on to the sketches!

Theme 19: "Cloud."

Because you can never go wrong with a dragon, right? The unicorn may be my all-time favorite fantasy creature but I get pretty excited about dragons, too. That's why I invented Edan, and I enjoy The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini...even if his writing is a bit overelaborate.

Disney theme 19: "Disney Afternoon."

"Dashing and daring!
Courageous and caring!
Faithful and friendly
With stories to share!
All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along
As their song fills the air!

Gummi Bears!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere!
High adventure that's beyond compare!
They are the Gummi Bears!" 

Oh, boy, did I watch this show religiously. It was by far one of the most entertaining cartoons I ever saw; I can only think of one or two episodes that I did not enjoy.

Gusto was my all-time favorite (I was so bummed out that he only appeared a handful of times), but Zummi was a very close number two, so I chose Zummi for this picture. I'm amazed at how easy he was to draw.

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