Monday, October 30, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 30

Well, today was loads better than yesterday. I felt so much better (a good night's sleep usually does the trick) and got a lot more work done. And unless I get called in, I get the rest of this week free.

After work, I had a lovely dinner of spaghetti and meatballs with my family; we jokingly labeled it "a dinner of worms and human brains," and I even made some strawberry Kool-Aid that I dubbed "vampire blood."

Speaking of vampires, my family opted to watch Hotel Transylvania after dinner, which I had purchased with my own money several years ago. It was a movie I did not expect to like at first (I'm always a bit pessimistic about a movie before I see it), but it was surprisingly good, very heartwarming and side-splittingly funny. I may put a review of that movie on this blog later.

Then, of course, there's "Inktober," my second-to-last entries. (I completed my final entries tonight and will post them within the next hour or two.) Like I said, this challenge was a lot of fun; a little trying (after all, I drew a picture every single day, and even drew more than one), but fun nonetheless, and I'm a bit bummed out that it's almost over. I'll have to do this again next year, and possibly the next.

But for now, here's what I got!

Theme 30 for Disney: "Villain."

"And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" 

Didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped (then again, it is a rough sketch done entirely in ink), but I'm happy with my choice. I was briefly tempted to draw Maleficent or even Jafar, but Judge Claude Frollo won out with little competition.

I think what makes Frollo truly memorable and utterly terrifying is how utterly human he is. He's not the devil incarnate, he doesn't have any supernatural powers, he doesn't carry around a staff or bauble; he doesn't even have a sidekick. But he proves just how low a human being can (and will) stoop. He not only does terrible things in the name of God, but the entire time, he sincerely believes he is God's devoted servant. There are so many people just like him out there. It is scary.

The other theme: "Found."

Another scene from my book. Terence half-drowns himself in an effort to retrieve a sword, and it's a very special sword, too. According to my writing, he has to make "at least five underwater trips" before he finally finds it.

Terence doesn't really mind getting wet. He often goes swimming in his clothes. But he does mind all the fuss made over this sword, and his face clearly says, "It's about time!"

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