Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 31 - Mission Accomplished!

I did it!!!! I completed the entire "Inktober" challenge, and I pulled it off twice! That's worth a pat or two on the back.

It's yet to sink in that I'm actually done with this thing. It wasn't hard to do this (since I can draw rather quickly and I have my own scanner and plenty of paper and pens), but it also wasn't easy to dole out 60+ pictures in one month, with a full-time job on top of everything else.

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty disappointed and pretty awesome at the same time.

And tomorrow marks the beginning of NaNoWriMo, so the fun's not over yet!

Now, then, on to the artwork!

Theme 31: "Mask."

"What do you think, Rhiella? Pretty sharp, eh?"

"Oh, yes. You could very well pass for a unicorn, Terence." 

Given that Terence really is a unicorn in a man's body, can you taste the irony? Rhiella has no way of knowing that, at least for a while. How she finds out and how she reacts would fall under the category of "Ultra-Major Spoilers."

For good old "Disney Inktober": "Halloween."

Can't think of a more fitting final entry. Couldn't settle for just one Disney character, either, and I wanted to be as classic as possible. So I give you the classic trio! I was going to do a bunch of ghosts behind them at first, but then decided to turn up the "scary factor" a few extra notches with enormous evil eyes and the uncanniest smile my pen could conjure.

Cue the most sinister laugh to have ever penetrated your ears.

And, in the words of Porky Pig, "Th-th-th-that's all, folks!"

A very happy Halloween to you all, and thank you for stopping by my neck of the woods. See you next time!

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