Sunday, October 15, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Days 14 and 15

Got caught up in a lot of things, including shopping for my mom's birthday (since I'm scheduled for another night shift on her birthday, unfortunately) and going out to dinner at Chick-fil-A. Since today is going to be busy with Mom's birthday, work, and church, with little to no time for myself, I'm posting my drawings now.

Incidentally, I bought myself some Sharpie markers, and they sure come in handy. Now I'm going to have even more fun with "Inktober."

Theme 14 for Disney: "Walt Disney."

Ah, good old Uncle Walt. Where would the golden glow of our childhoods have been without you? Oh, no doubt the glow would have still been there, but it wouldn't have been quite the same.

Theme 14 for the other challenge: "Fierce."

No need to be alarmed. That's more cloud than smoke, but even so, Edan is not a beast to be trifled with. No dragon is.

And now we move straight ahead with theme 15: "Mysterious."

Nice way to break in those new Sharpies! I played some music from the soundtracks for Legend (the Tangerine Dream version) and The Last Unicorn to help set the mood.

For Disney: "Winnie the Pooh."

Aww, who wouldn't want a nice, warm, cuddly hug like that? I most certainly would! I always liked Tigger best. He's fun, silly, and just so dang cute!

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