Sunday, October 22, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 22

This last night shift was better than I anticipated. The work was still tedious, and everyone knows what it's like in a supermarket on a Saturday. But this time, I worked with people I actually got along with; one guy is really funny and easygoing, and a friendly girl from the seafood section came over and helped us out. We got our work done in good time, and I had a much more pleasant chat with these two and even laughed several times.

I still have to work two more days (I always dread working on a Sunday), but then I get the next several days free. I would say I've earned a vacation.

The funny thing is, I was bored out of my skull before my hours increased. But now I almost wish I was bored out of my skull again. Which is worse: being bored or being run ragged?

So...theme 22! This time, it's "Golden Era," meaning any Disney movie that came out between 1937 and 1949.

If I really had to choose just one movie from that era, I would more than likely choose Pinocchio. That movie has always been close to my heart, and always will be. It's truly a timeless classic.

For the other one, it's "Trail."

Based on the "Man's Road" scene from The Last Unicorn...which lit the spark for Terence's story. After reading the book and watching the movie, and after reading Bruce Coville's The Unicorn Chronicles, I wanted to invent a unicorn I could call my own.

Thus, Terence emerged into existence, and has been a vital part of my heart ever since.

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Pinocchio Day

 85 years