Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Inktober" Challenge - Day 11

Got another night shift today (and tomorrow), so once again, I'm posting my Inktober entries well in advance. Oh well, at least I'm getting paid for this, and the Inktober challenge allows me to do something creative in my spare time.

May I say, I'm quite happy with today's entries. They were both fun to draw and both turned out quite nicely.

Theme for day 11: "Run."

Yeah, that's my Terence in his unicorn shape, and one of the rare pictures where you see his entire body. Hey, couldn't help myself. I've always been a unicorn lover and I get a special joy out of drawing Terence. I would like to draw a second version in full color...maybe. I'm always thinking of way more ideas than I actually get around to putting on paper.

Theme for day 11 for Disney: "Cats."

Had no trouble deciding which Disney feline to put on paper. Isn't he adorable?

"Look at him, Figaro. He almost looks alive!"

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